Tuesday 31 January 2017

Laser Facial
Are you ready for healthy skin?

Posted by at 1:07 PM

We all want perfect skin, right?  Walking into work, shopping, or going to a party with glowing skin is every woman's dream.  Is that dream too far away?  Have you already damaged your skin too much to get that flawless look?  Nope!  There is hope for your skin by erasing its past with medical laser facials!  Now you can glow like Jennifer Aniston, who by the way, is addicted to getting laser facials and looks radiant!!

What is a Laser Facial?

Laser facials can be thought of as attacking a weed at its root.  Unlike the traditional spa facial, laser facials are actually a medical procedure.  Lasers target the deep layers of the skin to build collagen, tighten skin, and promote smooth even skin tones.  The best part is that you leave the office looking and feeling great!

How many do I need?

Everyone's skin is different, but most people tend to see their best results within 3-5 treatments.  Treatments should be spaced out monthly.

What other skin issues can lasers treat?

Lasers help with fine lines, dark spots, unwanted freckles, acne scars, large pores, and broken capillaries. Everything to help you look younger and have a glow about you.

Where can you get a Laser Facial?

Ralph Dixon with the Electrolysis and Laser Center on Bridge Street in Wausau, WI has helped many women and men improve their skin and feel more confident with laser facials. Schedule a complimentary consultation or recieve your first treatment by calling: 715-845-2768